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The director -the lead sets out to find a protagonist for his film in the classical sense. He hits the road and throws himself into the hands of destiny, and asks every stranger he encounters if they are the hero he looks for or do they know a more suitable candidate for this role. Sticking to the tradition of “Cinema Verite”, the director makes spontaneous shootings, staying true to the quintessence of standard storytelling. Although at the beginning the director had a more radical stance, he gradually starts to accept the peoples’ understanding of hero. Two years later, the director finds people featured in the film, and they watch it together.
In October 2019, I have kicked the road as a guerilla filmmaker – with no shooting schedule, just a camera and a mic. In order to uncover the people characteristics, the wishes and desires, as well as the problems of people, I started to look for a people, who would agree to feature in the film. I just filmed the people I have encountered along the way. It is the portrait film and a perfect sample of “Cinéma vérité”. Delving into the lives of random people in Azerbaijan, the author experiences first-hand experience of the people’s lives. The actors are absolutely random – ranging from drivers to the famous national poet – and all of them reflect separate aspects of country life. Philosophy, survival, daily struggles are all entwined in haphazard encounters along the journey.